Jan. 1, 1970 (Unix Time) on your iPhone Problem – Solutions

Seems like there is a SW issue with 64bit iPhones on dealing with time if you set the date/time to Jan. 1, 1970/00:00:00. iOS is using Unix time to track time. This means that the time on your iPhone is defined as the number of seconds passed from Unix Epoch (January 1st, 1970 at UTC) until now. This number is then converted to your local date/time based on your time zone or any other setting you might have.

Setting the time to Unix Epoch (January 1st, 1970 at UTC) seems to be a bad idea and various trusted sources confirmed this rumor. Read More

How to include Flash/SWF files intro PowerPoint presentations.

I was working the other days for a presentation about a Fluorescent Lamps… for my presentation I found this very nice Flash animation on howstuffworks that I wanted to include intro my PowerPoint Presentation (http://static.howstuffworks.com/flash/fluorescent-lamp-rapid.swf).

Therefore, I’ve downloaded the .swf file to my hard drive and started to drag and drop, insert file and so on but nothing worked as I expected. Therefore, to include a swf file in your presentation you have to: Read More

How to exit Starcraft II if freeze (black screen)

I am a Starcraft player, I really enjoy playing it when my time permits that. Sometimes, when I exit the game I got a black screen doing nothing. The game window is freezed and nothing can be done. When I press CTRL+ALT+DEL the option screen appears and choosing task manager will normally open the task manager. The single problem is the full screen Starcraft window that is placed on top of all other application, including task manager.

In this way, there is a big problem closing/ending the Starcraft program/game because you are not able to minimize it or see the apps behind. And it seems I am not the only one with this problem

What I usually do when this happens is: Read More